
Colorado River Transitions | Lake Urmia Collaborate | Target Water Conservation | Reproduce Results

Colorado River Transitions

We seek more sustainable and equitable river management by working with managers, stakeholders, and experts to adapt Colorado River operations to declining basin flows and reservoir storage. Our generation will be defined by how we adapt, how we experiment, how we jointly learn, how we collaborate, how we cope with numerous uncertainties, and how we pursue goals such as more equity.

Bugs pay for days of steady reservoir releases to reduce hydropeaking-Ecosystem conflict

Manuscript, Powerpoint Presentation, and Data, Model, Code repository with Directions

Lessons from immersive online collaborative modeling to discuss more adaptive reservoir operations

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Download the immersive, interactive online model. Role play with others!

Adapting Colorado River Basin Depletions to Available Water to Live within Our Means
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2023)


Adapting to Low Colorado River Flows and Storage: Lessons from 3 Computer Exercises

Adapt Lake Mead releases to inflow to slow reservoir draw down
Journal Water Resources Planning and Management (2022)

Invest in Farm Water Conservation to Curtail Buy and Dry
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2022)

No data
Ranchers Adapting to Climate Variability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Utah
Climate (2020)
Cover Article

Managing the Colorado River for an Uncertain Future
Center for Colorado River Studies (2020)

No data

Lake Urmia Collaborations

We are collaborating with Iranian and other iternational researchers to share experiences with our saline lakes and try to recover Lake Urmia. This is an extremely difficult undertaking as we synthesize across a large number of disciplines. Also, there are numerous human-natural linkages. Reach out to join our effort.

Targeted Water Conservation

We are targeting water conservation actions to the users who will save the most water, money, and energy. We collect and use 5-second water use data (e.g., tells us shower length, toilet flush volume, irrigation volume and timing, etc.) to construct conservation messages that are specific to the user.

Make Results more Reproducible

Icon We seek to change our science culture so researchers make their results more reproducible. We launched a new program with the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Environmental Water Resources Institute to publish any manuscript with reproduced results submitted to the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management FREE Open Access to the authors.
Update to the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management’s Reproducible Results Policy

Journal Water Resources Planning and Management (Aug. 2024)

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management's Reproducibility Review Program: Accomplishments, Lessons, and Next Steps

Journal Water Resources Planning and Management (Aug. 2024)

Lets make our research more reproducible to accelerate science and increase impact

EWRI World Congress (June 2022)

Reproducible Results Policy

Journal Water Resources Planning and Management (Feb. 2021)
The Next Frontier: Making Research More Reproducible

Jounral of Water Resources Planning and Management (June 2020)