| 58. | Stagge, James H., Rosenberg, David E., Castronova, Anthony M., Ostfeld, Avi, and Jones, Amber Spackman. (2024). "Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management's Reproducibility Review Program: Accomplishments, Lessons, and Next Steps." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150(8), 01824001 |  |
 | 57. | Stagge, James H., Rosenberg, David E., Castronova, Anthony M., Ostfeld, Avi, and Jones, Amber Spackman. (2024). "Update to the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management’s Reproducible Results Policy." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 151(1), 01824001 |  |
 | 56. | Rosenberg, David E. (2024). "Lessons from immersive online collaborative modeling to discuss more adaptive reservoir operations." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management" |  |
 | 55. | Wang, Jian, and Rosenberg, David E. (2023). "Living within our Means: Adapting Colorado River Basin depletions to available water." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |  |
 | 54. | Rosenberg, David E. (2022). "Input for pre-scoping for National Environmental Protection Act effort to update operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead by 2026." Reclamation, Summary of the Federal Register Notice Input Received (September 22, 2022). | No data |
| 53. | Rosenberg, David E. (2022). "Adapt Lake Mead Releases to Inflow to Give Managers More Flexibility to Slow Reservoir Drawdown." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(10), 02522006 Free Preprint |  |
 | 52. | Rosenberg, David E. (2022). "Opinion: 3 ways we can adapt to low Colorado River flows in a drought." Deseret News. | No data |
 | 51. | Rosenberg, David E. (2022). "Invest in Farm Water Conservation to Curtail Buy and Dry." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(8), 01822001. Free Preprint | No data |
| 50. | Parsinejad, Masoud, Rosenberg, David E., Ghale, Yusuf Alizade Govarchin, Khazaei, Bahram, Null, Sarah E., Raja, Omid, Safaie, Ammar, Sima, Somayeh, Sorooshian, Armin, and Wurtsbaugh, Wayne A. (2022). "40-years of Lake Urmia restoration research: Review, synthesis and next steps." Science of The Total Environment, 155055. Free Preprint |  |
 | 49. | James, R., and Rosenberg, D. E. (2022). "Agent-Based Model to Manage Household Water Use Through Social-Environmental Strategies of Encouragement and Peer Pressure." Earth's Future, 10(2), e2020EF001883. |  |
| 48. | Abdallah, Adel M., Rheinheimer, David E., Rosenberg, David E., Knox, Stephen, and Harou, Julien J. (2022). "An interoperable software ecosystem to store, visualize, and publish water resources systems modelling data." Environmental Modelling & Software, 151, 105371. |  |
 | 47. | Sima, Somayeh, Rosenberg, David E., Wurtsbaugh, Wayne A., Null, Sarah E., and Kettenring, Karin M. (2021). "Managing Lake Urmia, Iran for diverse restoration objectives: moving beyond a uniform target lake level." Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 35(June), 100812. |  |
 | 46. | Attallah, Nour A., Rosenberg, David E., and Horsburgh, Jeffery S. (2021). "Water End-Use Disaggregation for Six Nonresidential Facilities in Logan, Utah." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(7), 05021006. |  |
 | 45. | Rosenberg, David E., Jones, Amber Spackman, Filion, Yves, Teasley, Rebecca, Sandoval-Solis, Samuel, Stagge, James H., Abdallah, Adel, Castronova, Anthony, Ostfeld, Avi, and Watkins, David. (2021). "Reproducible Results Policy." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(2), 01620001. | No data |
| 44. | Lane, Belize A., and Rosenberg, David E. (2020). "Promoting In-Stream Flows in the Changing Western US." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(1), 02519003. | No data |
 | 43. | Rosenberg, David E., Filion, Yves, Teasley, Rebecca, Sandoval-Solis, Samuel, Hecht, Jory S., Zyl, Jakobus E. van, McMahon, George F., Horsburgh, Jeffery S., Kasprzyk, Joseph R., and Tarboton, David G. (2020). "The Next Frontier: Making Research More Reproducible." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(6), 01820002 | No data |
| 42. | Avisse, Nicolas, Tilmant, Amaury, Rosenberg, David, and Talozi, Samer. (2020). "Quantitative Assessment of Contested Water Uses and Management in the Conflict-Torn Yarmouk River Basin." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(7), 05020010 | No data |
| 41. | Alafifi, Ayman H., and Rosenberg, David E. (2020). "Systems modeling to improve river, riparian, and wetland habitat quality and area." Environmental Modelling & Software, 126, 104643 |  |
 | 40. | Akbar, Hadia, Allen, L. Niel, Rosenberg, David E., and Chikamoto, Yoshimitsu. (2020). "Ranchers Adapting to Climate Variability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Utah." Climate, 8(9), 96 Cover Article |  |
| 39. | Rosenberg, David E. (2019). "Combating Water Scarcity in Jordan." Adventures in Managing Water-Real-World Engineering Experiences, D. P. Loucks and L. Saito, eds., American Society of Civil Engineerings, Reston, VA, 20, 222. | No data |
| 38. | Steven Knox, J. Tomlinson, Julien Harou, Phillip Meier, David E. Rosenberg, Jay Lund, David Rheinheimer (2019). "An open-source data manager for network models". Environmental Modelling & Software, 122, 104538. |  |
| 37. | Meghna Babbar-Sebens, Elizabeth Root, David E. Rosenberg, David Watkins, Ali Mirchi, Marcio Giacomoni, and Kaveh Madani (2019). Training Water Resources Systems Engineers to Communicate: Acting on Observations from On-the-Job Practitioners." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 145(4), 04019012 Editor's Choice |  |
 | 36. | Jim Stagge, David E. Rosenberg, Adel Abdallah, Hadia Akbar, Nour Attallah, and Ryan James (2019). Assessing data availability and research reproducibility in hydrology and water resources." Scientific Data, 6, 190030 |  |
| 35. | Adel Abdallah, David E. Rosenberg (2019). "A data model to manage data for water resources systems modeling." Environmental Modelling & Software, 115, 113-127. |  |
| 34. | Maggi Kraft, David E. Rosenberg, Sarah Null (2019). "Prioritizing Stream Barrier Removal to Maximize Connected Aquatic Habitat and Minimize Water Scarcity." Journal of the American Water Resources Association. |  |
| 33. | Tyler Pratt, L. Niel Allen, David E. Rosenberg, Andrew A. Keller, Kelly Kopp (2019). "Urban agriculture and small farm water use: Case studies and trends from Cache Valley, Utah." Agricultural Water Management. 213: 23-35. |  |
 | 32. | Rosenberg, David E., and Watkins, David W. (2018). "New Policy to Specify Availability of Data, Models, and Code." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(9), 01618001. | No data |
| 31. | Andrea Cominola, Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Castelletti, David E. Rosenberg, Adel Abdallah (2018). "Implications of data sampling resolution on water use simulation, end-use disaggregation, and demand management." Environmental Modeling & Software, 102, 199-212. |  |
| 30. | Jim Stagge, David E. Rosenberg, Justin DeRose, Tammy Ritenour (2018). "Monthly paleostreamflow reconstruction from annual tree-ring chronologies." Journal of Hydrology, 557, 791-804. |  |
| 29. | David E. Rosenberg, Meghna Babbar-Sebens, Elizabeth Root, Jon Herman, Ali Mirchi, Marcio Giacomoni, Joseph Kasprzyk, Kaveh Madani, David Ford, Leon Basdekas (2017). "More integrated formal education and practice in water resources systems analysis." ASCE-Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(12). |  |
| 28. | Jeff Horsburgh, Miguel Leonardo, Adel Abdallah, David E. Rosenberg (2017). "Measuring water use, conservation, and differences by gender using an inexpensive, high frequency metering system." Environmental Modelling & Software 96, 83-94. |  |
| 27. | Leah Meeks, David E. Rosenberg (2017). "High Influence: Identifying and Ranking Stability, Topological Significance, and Redundancies in Water Resource Networks." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143(6). |  |
| 26. | Omar Alminagorta, David E. Rosenberg, Karin M. Kettenring (2016). "Systems modeling to improve the hydroecological performance of diked wetlands." Water Resources Research, 52 (9), pp. 7070–7085 DOI: 10.1002/2015wr018105. |  |
| 25. | David E. Rosenberg (2015). "Blended near-optimal alternative generation, visualization, and interaction tools for water resources decision making." Water Resources Research, 51(4) 2047-2063, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014667. |  |
| 24. | Rebecca L. Hale, Andrea Armstrong, Michelle A. Baker, Sean Bedingfield, David Betts, Caleb Buahin, Martin Buchert, Todd Crowl, R. Ryan Dupont, James R. Ehleringer, Joanna Endter-Wada, Courtney Flint, Jacqualine Grant, Sarah Hinners, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Amber S. Jones, Carlos Licon, Sarah E. Null, Augustina Odame, Diane E. Pataki, David Rosenberg, Madlyn Runburg, Philip Stoker, Courtenay Strong (2015). "iSAW: Integrating Structure, Actors, and Water to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems." Earth's Future, 3(3), 110-132, DOI: 10.1002/2014EF000295. | No data |
| 23. | Melina Santos Vanderlinder, Christopher M. U. Neale, David E. Rosenberg, and Karin M. Kettenring (2014). "Use Of Remote Sensing to Assess Changes in WetlandPlant Communities over an 18-Year Period: A Case Study from the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Great Salt Lake, Utah." Western North American Naturalist. 74(1). | Not available |
 | 22. | David E. Rosenberg and Kaveh Madani (2014). "Water Resources Systems Analysis: A Bright Past and Challenging but Promising Future." ASCE-Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 140(4), pp. 407-409. | No data |
| 21. | Adel Abdallah and David E. Rosenberg (2014). "Heterogeneous Residential Water and Energy Linkages and Implications for Conservation and Management." ASCE-Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 140(3). pp. 288-297. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000340. Journal's Best Paper Award-2015. | Not available |
| 20. | Tesfatsion, Bereket K., and Rosenberg, David E. (2013). "Evaluating Storage Carryover in the Weber River Basin Using the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) System." Water Resources Systems Analysis through Case Studies: Data and Models /for Decision Making, D. W. Watkins, Jr., ed., ASCE, Reston, VA, 9, 102-113. | Not available |
| 19. | Abdelhaleem Khader, David E. Rosenberg, Mac McKee (2013). "A decision tree model to estimate the value of information provided by a groundwater quality monitoring network."Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(5), 1797-1807. doi:10.5194/hess-17-1797-2013. | Not available |
| 18. | Omar Alminagorta, Bereket Tesfatsion, David E. Rosenberg, Bethany Neilson (2013). "Simple Optimization Method to Determine Best Management Practices to Reduce Phosphorus Loading in Echo Reservoir, Utah". ASCE-Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139(1), 122-125, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000224. |  |
| 17. | Francisco Suero, David E. Rosenberg, Peter Mayer (2012). "Estimating and Verifying United States Households' Potential to Conserve Water." ASCE-Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 138(3), pp. 209-306. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000182. Quentin Martin Best Research-Oriented Paper Award-2013 | Not available |
| 16. | Ahmed Al-Juaidi, David E. Rosenberg, Jagath Kaluarachchi (2011). "Water Management with Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Desalination, and Conveyance to Counteract Future Water Shortages in the Gaza Strip." International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. 3(12), pp. 266-282. doi: 10.5897/IJWREE10.030. | Not available |
| 15. | Rosenberg, David E., Kopp, Kelly, Kratsch, Heidi A., Rupp, Larry, Johnson, Paul, and Kjelgren, Roger. (2011). "Value Landscape Engineering: Identifying Costs, Water Use, Labor, and Impacts to Support Landscape Choice." Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(3), 635-649. |  |
 | 14. | Rosenberg, David E. (2011). "Raising the Dead without a Red Sea-Dead Sea project? Hydro-economics and governance." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(6), 1243-1255. | Not available |
| 13. | Rosenberg, David E. (2010). "Residential Water Demand under Alternative Rate Structures: simulation approach." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE, 136(3), 395-402 | Not available |
| 12. | Rosenberg, David E., and Lund, Jay R. (2009). "Modeling integrated water utility decisions with recourse and uncertainties: Amman, Jordan." Water Resources Management, 23(1), 85-115. |  |
| 11. | Rosenberg, David E. (2009). "Integrated Water Resources Management and Modeling at Multiple Spatial Scales in Jordan." Water Policy, 11(5), 615-628. | Not available |
| 10. | Rosenberg, David E. (2009). "Shades of grey: A critical review of grey-number optimization." Engineering Optimization, 41(6), 573 - 592. | Not available |
| 9. | Harou, Julien, Pulido-Velazquez, Manuel, Rosenberg, David E., Josue Medellin-Azuara, Lund, Jay R., and Howitt, Richard E. (2009). "Hydro-economic Models: Concepts, Design, Applications, and Future Prospects." Journal of Hydrology, 375(3-4), 627-643. | No data |
| 8. | Rosenberg, David E., Talozi, Samer, and Lund, Jay R. (2008). "Intermittent Water Supplies: Challenges and Opportunities for Residential Water Users in Jordan." Water International, 33(4), 488-504. | Not available |
| 7. | Rosenberg, David E., Howitt, Richard E., and Lund, Jay R. (2008). "Water Management with Water Conservation, Infrastructure Expansions, and Source Variability in Jordan." Water Resources Research, 44, W11402. | Not available |
| 6. | Rosenberg, David E., Tarawneh, Tarek, Abdel-Khaleq, Rania, and Lund, Jay R. (2007). "Modeling Integrated Water User Decisions in Intermittent Supply Systems." Water Resources Research, 43(7), W07425. | Not available |
| 5. | Rosenberg, David E. (2007). "Probabilistic Estimation of Water Conservation Effectiveness." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE, 133(1), 39-49. | Not available |
| 4. | Rosenberg, David E., and Lund, Jay R. (2006). "Derived Operating Rules for Allocating Recharges and Withdrawals among Unconnected Aquifers." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE, 132(1), 25-34. | Not available |
| 3. | Rosenberg, David E. (2006). "The Yarmouk River Agreements: Jordan-Syrian transboundary water management, 1953-2004." Arab World Geographer, 9(1), 23-39. | Not available |
| 2. | Rosenberg, David E., and Marcotte, Travis P. (2005). "Land-use system modeling and analysis of shaded cacao production in Belize." Agroforestry Systems, 64(2), 117-129. | Not available |
| 1. | Tanaka, Stacy K., Rosenberg, David E., Haans, Paul, Cardona, Belen Marti, Harou, Julien, and Hanbali, Fauwaz U. (2004). "Comments on "Computer Support for Implementation of a Systemic Approach to Water Conflict Resolution" by V. Rajasekaram, S. Simonovic, and K. Nandalal." Water International, 29(3), 402-404. | No data |